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England Judo Fighter Opt-In Agreement

England Judo Fighter Opt-In Agreement

I, the undersigned England Fighter, acknowledge and agree that:

  1. I seek to use the British Judo, England Talent Development Centre, I confirm, however, that I am not being compelled to train and that if I choose not to, this will not cause me any disadvantage with my peers who have returned to such training
  2. I have been given access to and fully understand the HM Government Guidance (on social distancing, return to training and use of sports facilities) and the specific British Judo Guidance (on risk mitigation plan and training site protocols) and my obligations under these and I acknowledge that by Opting-In, I am required to fully adhere to and follow the HM Government Guidance and the British Judo Guidance at all times and understand that British Judo reserves the right to withdraw my option to Opt-In at anytime, should I not fully comply to the HM Government and British Judo Guidance.
  3. I acknowledge that the HM Government Guidance and the British Judo Guidance, may be updated and I will keep myself up to date, knowledgeable and compliant with all updates;
  4. I hereby assume all risks both known and unknown concerning COVID-19 and of participating in training at the British Judo Centre of Excellence during this time;
  5. A failure to follow HM Government Guidance or the British Judo Guidance carries with it the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19; I will encourage compliance by all other Fighters who are in my presence and if there appears to be non-compliance, I will report any concerns to the named individual at each ETDC;
  6. I hereby assume all risks both known and unknown of either my failing to follow the HM Government Guidance or the British Judo Guidelines or any other person who is present at the British Judo Centre of Excellence failing to follow the same;
  7. I understand and accept the sport-specific risk associated with a return to training and certify that I am physically and mentally well enough to return to training and that I am allowed to participate in training under current HM Government Guidance;
  8. I have declared my recent medical history (relative to COVID-19) and have not withheld any information in relation to recent illness, injury and medications; I am not deemed clinically extremely vulnerable, nor am I required to shield, nor are any members of my household;
  9. If I experience any COVID-19 symptoms or suspected COVID-19 symptoms at any time hereon, I will bring such to the attention of  the named ETDC Covid-19 Officer immediately and if experienced during my presence on site at the England Talent Development Centre, I will also immediately cease participation and return home to isolate;
  10. I understand that British Judo is duty bound to provide a safe environment under the British Judo Safeguarding policy and procedures and that a return to elite training, does not permit any relaxation of this policy and procedures;
  11. I understand that I have the ability to cease training at any time if I have concerns as to COVID-19 or associated risks, and I confirm that it has been explained to me fully that I will not be subject to any unreasonable detriment in connection with the same;

I have read the British Judo Return to Training Opt-In agreement and I fully understand its terms, understand my obligations under this agreement and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.

Should I not be able to attend a session I will contact or


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