Nominate Your Coach and Club Now for the UK Coaching Awards 2017

Nominations are now open for the prestigious UK Coaching Awards 2017, due to be held in early December.

In England, they support National Governing Bodies of Sport and County Sports Partnerships as well as many other organisations across the sport and physical activity landscape. In Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, they work with the three Home Country Sports Councils. They are dedicated to raising the profile of coaching so that it is recognised for the wider benefits it brings to society and individuals.

For the UK Coaching Awards, they use a broad definition of coaching (see below), and welcome nominations on behalf of coaches, instructors, leaders, teachers, trainers and others who support people to achieve their sport and activity goals. All information is treated as confidential until shortlists and winners are announced by UK Coaching.

They define coaching as “Improving a person’s experience of sport and physical activity by providing specialised support and guidance aligned to their individual needs and aspirations.”

They recognise that some may use the title of activator, coach, instructor, leader, teacher or trainer. Regardless of the badge they wear, they all use the skills of coaching and are welcome as nominees for the UK Coaching Awards.

For more information about the UK Coaching Awards nomination process, please click here 

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