Applications to join the 2021 GB Squad are now open.
If you are already a member of the 2020 GB Squad there is no need to complete the Co-Option Application Form as you will be automatically enrolled onto the 2021 GB Squad.
Completed Forms MUST be submitted to the GB Logistics Manager by email: NO LATER than 12:00noon on FRIDAY 1st JANUARY 2021.
Fighters MUST include a Home Nation Coach endorsement as part of their Co-Option application.
The GB Performance Team will consider all co-option requests, and successful fighters will be notified week commencing Monday 4th January 2021 and invited to ONST1 (Date TBC).
Fighters can only apply for Co-Option to the GB Junior or Senior Squad if they hold a United Kingdom Passport and they are eligible to represent British Judo & Great Britain in International Competition.