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L3 – Kent Split-Grade Senior Open

Medway Park Leisure Centre Mill Road, Gillingham, Kent, United Kingdom

Venue: Medway Park Leisure Centre, Mill Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1HF Categories: Group A: Men 1st Kyu Group B: Men 1st Dan and Above Group C: Women 1st Kyu and Above Group D: Women Novice to 2nd Kyu Group E: Me 2nd Kyu and 3rd Kyu Group F: Men 4th Kyu, 5th Kyu and 6th...


L3 – Y&H Regional Schools Championships

Woodford Leisure Centre Holderness Rd, Hull

Venue: Woodford leisure centre, Holderness road, HU8 8JU Categories: Academic Years 4 & 5: (born 1st September 2014 to 31st August 2016), No Minimum Grade (Bottom Red Belt). Please note that these players are not eligible for the British Schools National Championships Academic Years 6 & 7 (born 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2014),...

L4 – Scottish Open Judo Tournament

sportscotland National Sports Centre Inverclyde, Burnside Road, Largs

Venue: Sportscotland National Centre: Inverclyde, Burnside Road, Largs, KA30 8RW.   Saturday 18th January 2025: Adapted & Vision Impaired, Veterans and Cadets   Sunday 19th January 2025: Juniors and Seniors   Contact: Email: Telephone: 0131 333 2981 (JudoScotland Office). Tournament Contact: Jo Imrie 07543 287641 (mobile).   **CLOSING DATE: 12:00 FRIDAY 3RD JANUARY 2025**


L3 – Southern Area Regional School Championships

Woking Leisure Centre Woking Leisure Centre, Kingfield Road, Woking,Surrey

  Venue: Woking Leisure Centre. Kingfield Road, Woking. Surrey, GU22 9BA   Categories:  Academic Years 4 & 5: (born 1st September 2014 to 31st August 2016) Technical Restrictions. Please note that these players are not eligible for the British Schools National Championships Academic Years 6 & 7 (born 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2014) Technical Restrictions Academic...


L2 – London Area Development Event

University of East London Sports Centre Docklands, 4-6 University Way, London, United Kingdom

  Venue: SportsDock, University of East London, Docklands Campus, University Way, London E16 2RD   Categories:  Group 1: Red Belts (Aged 8 to 11 years on the day of the event) Group 2: Red Belts (Aged 12 to 15 years on the day of the event) Group 3: Yellow Belts (Aged 8 to 11 years...


L4 – Midland Area Open

Walsall Campus Magdalene Road, Walsall, United Kingdom

  Venue: Walsall Sports Centre, WLV Gym, The University of Wolverhampton, Magdalene Road, Walsall WS1 3TA   Categories: Minors: Born 2013, 2014 Pre-Cadets: Born 2011, 2012 Cadets: Born 2008, 2009, 2010 Seniors (Must be a minimum of 14 years of age on day of event) - Ranking Event >>ENTER HERE<<   **CLOSING DATE: SUNDAY 19TH...


L3 – Midland Area Regional School Championships

Walsall Campus Magdalene Road, Walsall, United Kingdom

Venue: Walsall Sports Centre, WLV Gym, The University of Wolverhampton, Magdalene Road, Walsall WS1 3TA   Categories: Academic Years 6 & 7 (born 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2014) Academic Years 8 & 9 (born 1 September 2010 to 31 August 2012) Academic Years 10 to 13 (born 1 September 2006 to 31 August...


L3 – Scottish Student Championships

Saints Sport Saints Sport, University Park, St Leonard's Road, St Andrews

Venue: Saints Sport, University Park, St Leonard's Rd, St Andrews KY16 9DY Categories:  Group 1: Novice - 5th Kyu Group 2: 4th Kyu - 2nd Kyu Group 3: 1st Kyu and Above Group 4: Mixed Team Championships   **CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY 17TH JANUARY 2025**  


L3 – Wales Area Regional School Championships

Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Venue: National Judo Centre, Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff, CF11 9SW Categories: Academic Years 6 & 7 (born 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2014) Technical Restrictions Academic Years 8 & 9 (born 1 September 2010 to 31 August 2012) Academic Years 10 to 13 (born 1 September 2006 to 31 August 2010) Adaptive  ...

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