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L2 – Samurai Boys Orange & Under Minimon

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Weigh-In All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week before the event or when we have all the entries in. The first weigh-in will not start until 9.30 am. Players weigh in wearing judogi bottoms and a t-shirt. Group...


L1 – Samurai Mini-Me’s Minimon

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: Boys and Girls red and yellow belts. All players will be sorted into categories of 4 or 5 where possible after weighing in. Every competitor will receive a medal. Weigh-In: All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week...


L2 – HWJC Mini Mon

High Wycombe Judo Centre

Venue: High Wycombe Judo Centre, Barry Close, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4UE Categories: 8 to 11 years - Boys Novice to 6th Mon 8 to 11 years - Girls Novice to 6th Mon 12 to 15 years - Boys Novice to 6th Mon 12 to 15 years - Girls Novice to 6th Mon **CLOSING DATE:...


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