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L1 – Coventry Mini Mon

Venue: Sports Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3FL   This is a Level 1 Development event for players 6th mon or under with little competition experience. The aim is...


Judo Spirit Academy U8 Festival

Full event information can be found in the  >> OUTLINES << Entries and enquiries to Joe Savage Email: Telephone: 07519906369


BJC Kata Tournament

To see further details about this event please go to the BJC event page: LINK

L2 – Bedminster Judokwai Annual Championships

  Venue: Hengrove Park Leisure Centre, Hengrove Promenade, Hengrove, Bristol, BS14 0DE   Categories: Group 1: Juniors aged 8-15 years - Novice to yellow belt Group 2: Juniors aged 8-11...


L3 – Samurai Senior & Veterans Men Kyu Grades

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: GROUP A: Men +35 years green belt & below: -66 -73 -81 -90 +90 kg GROUP B: Men +35 years...


L3 – Hampshire Closed Championships

Venue: Danebury School, Roman Road, Stockbridge, SO20 6HA Categories: U16 Girls U16 Boys Senior Men 1st Kyu & Dan Grades Senior Men 2nd Kyu and Below Senior Ladies 1st Kyu...


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