Adaptive Judo

What is Adaptive Judo?

Adaptive Judo is recreational or competitive judo for people with disabilities. The judo community in Great Britain encourages the physical activity, inclusion, competitiveness and wellbeing of the widest judo community who live with a complex rage of abilities and disabilities.

We include all aspects of the sport from recreational through to the Paralympics and are fully engaged in promoting and developing adaptive judo across the UK. Adaptive Judo participants will follow the British Judo Grading pathway at a pace that your child can achieve a suitable standard related to the grade.

Many of our clubs offer adaptive judo and we are also proud that our Visually Impaired World Class Performance Programme has developed some of the best judoka in the world.

If you have a disability and would like more information on how to get involved, the following people are available to support:
Lead Adaptive RefereeRon
Competition PathwayAndy
British Judo Adaptive Working Group LeadKerry

Home Nations Support

Full competition pathways and details can be found here or direct contact to:

British JudoBritish Judo
Judo ScotlandJudo Scotland Disability Development
Scottish Special Needs Judo Group
Welsh JudoWelsh Judo
NI Judo FederationNorthern Ireland Judo

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