Help Judo be Reinstated into GCSE/A-Level P.E

British Judo are today appealing to members and club to complete the bid to try and reinstate martial arts into the GCSE/A Level Syllabus.

The sport previously featured regularly on the syllabus until February 2015, when it was dropped from the curriculum alongside karate, rounders, windsurfing amongst others.

The reasoning at the time was that the Department For Education (DfE) and the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations (Ofqual) felt that it was too niche and specialist and that teachers may feel uncomfortable with the assessment of such sports.

Martial arts such as judo, taekwondo and karate have been proven to promote self discipline, self confidence, respect as well as an excellent way to improve all round fitness and not to mention teaching vital self-defence skills.

The Department of Education are seeking the views of people on which sports could potentially be added to the list

The survey can be found here

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