How coaches are cared for – Online survey

Dear Judo Coach, 

British Judo, is asking if you would consider taking part in this research into how coaches are cared for by Liverpool John Moores University and UK Coaching.

Liverpool John Moores University (led by Dr Colum Cronin) are currently working with UK Coaching on a research project exploring how coaches are cared for and how organisations can help them flourish. This is an important topic because it is well established that retaining coaches is a challenge, and research also demonstrates coaches experiencing burnout. The survey is for coaches from all sports to complete and asks them about their experiences and what care they may need. The results of the survey will be used to inform UK Coaching’s support for coaches as well as for academic purposes.  Further details are available on the survey but we would be very grateful if you could complete it and share it with other coaches within your network.

Click here to complete the survey

If you have any questions about this, please contact the project research officer Amy Hardwick

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