Introducing Parents In Sport Week 2020

Parents in Sport week is NSPCC’s annual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of parents’ involvement in youth sport.

During the week they will be sharing guidance on the types of things sports clubs should have in place to keep children safe, how parents can get help with any concerns and how parents’ positive behaviour contributes to better experiences of sport for children.

This year’s theme is ‘Let’s talk about keeping children safe in sport’.

We know that most sports clubs and organisations have sound policies and procedures in place but parents are often unaware of what they are, how to access them and how they help to protect children.

This year, the NSPCC are trying to reach as many parents as possible with their information and advice, with the hope that it can open up a dialogue with coaches, clubs and children about how everyone can contribute to safeguarding in sport.

As part of the campaign, they’ll be asking sports parents to make the Sports Parents Promise. 

The Promise outlines what we think makes a great sports parent. We hope this will give parents an understanding of how their contribution to their child’s sport helps to make it a safer place. We’re asking parents to sign up and make the Promise to their child by the end of Parents in Sport Week 2020.

As part of British Judo’s contribution to the week, we will releasing a range of safeguarding-related content including an updated version of SafeLandings, new functionality for reporting safeguarding concerns, details of new virtual “Time to Listen” courses designed for new Club Welfare Officers and much more!

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