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Introducing the GB Home Nation Support Coach and Elite Coach Development Programme

For the Paris 2024 Cycle, the British Judo Performance Programme is launching the GB Home Nation Support Coach programme to contract up to 6-8 coaches across the UK, to provide Coach support at domestic squads and international competition and training camps at Cadet, Junior and Senior level for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Additionally, the Performance Programme will invest in the development of the recruited GB Home Nation Support Coaches with our Elite Coach Development Programme, of which commitment to this programme will be a requirement to being selected as a GB Home Nation Support Coach.

GB and Home Nation Support Coach – Paris Cycle

Through the Paris cycle, the GB Performance and ENG programmes will attend a number of international competition and training camps as well as deliver a number of domestic training camps at the National Training Centre and other locations across the UK.

We require a number of GB Home Nation Support Coaches to work with and support the GB Elite Performance Coaches and ENG Talent Coaches at events that will span across Cadet, Junior and Senior levels, both domestically and internationally.

The GB Home Nation Support Coaches contracted at a day rate of £120, with additional expenses- travel, accommodation and subsistence, covered where applicable. Coaches who apply, must be able to commit to a minimum of 20 days per year.

Selected GB Home Nation Support Coaches will gain experience in British Judo’s Performance programmes and Pathway, thus further enhancing their coaching knowledge and experiences.

Before the start of each year, from 1 January 2022 onwards, the support required at all events and the number of days over the calendar year, will be allocated to each GB Home Nation Support Coach in advance, in order to aid the Coach with advance planning around other commitments.

The GB Home Nation Support Coaches will play a vital role in supporting the delivery of the Paris 2024 strategy and developing fighters for the LA 2028 cycle and potentially, beyond.

Coaching Qualifications and Experiences

Any coach applying to be considered for a GB Home Nation Support Coach position, must be a BJA Level 2 Coach as a minimum and preferably working towards their Level 3 or be a Level 3 Coach, be DBS checked, have an up-to-date first aid certificate and vitally, have experience of working at national programme level with current Home Nation programmes or be working with fighters who are members of either the GB or Home Nation programmes that have competed at international level. We will also be considering previous elite fighter’s that have competed at senior international level and now retired and focusing on developing their Coaching skills.


  • A minimum of a BJA Level 2 Coach or working towards their Level 3
  • DBS Checked
  • First Aid Certified
  • Experience with working with their HN programme
  • Coaching fighters who are members of their HN or GB programme and competing at international CAD, JNR or SNR level
  • Retired senior international level fighter

It is expected, that all selected coaches for this programme are fully supportive and committed to the British Judo Performance System and centralised model.

GB Elite Coach Development Programme – Paris Cycle (Jan 2022 to Dec 2023)

To be considered and selected as a GB Home Nation Support Coach, it will be conditional that the selected coaches commit to the GB Elite Coach Development programme that will be led by the Performance Director – Nigel Donohue and facilitated by Head of Performance Operations – Karen Roberts. There will be no day rate for the attendance.

The primary focus of the GB Elite Coach Development programme will be on the Coaching Process where a number of workshops across the cycle will be delivered by well renowned Coach Developer – Dennis Edwards and Sports Psychologists – Andrew Cruickshank.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to work with world class specialist Coach Developers in their field, which is an investment from the GB Performance Programme to support the development of coaches in the British Judo Performance System for the future of our sport.

The focus on the Coaching Process is to support coaches to understand and further develop their knowledge to apply in the coaching environment that will explore topics for example – WITTW, Profiling, Shared Mental Model, 5A Model, the Critical Challenges, PCDE’s etc

The launch of the GB Elite Development Coach programme will take place on Saturday 27 November at the British Judo National Training Centre followed by an ‘Open Day’ for members of British Judo to visit the National Training Centre and meet with the Performance Team, Board Members and fighters on the World Class Performance Programme. It is expected that all selected Coaches attend this day and the launch of the programme will be covered through our social media channels.

The GB Elite Coach Development programme will consist of 3-4 workshops per year at the National Training Centre with Dennis Edwards and Andrew Cruickshank, that will also be an opportunity for coaches to share best practices and discuss and debate performance Judo.

Additionally, there will also be 3-4 workshops delivered virtually by Dennis Edwards and Andrew Cruickshank, which all coaches will be expected to commit to over the course of the programme.

To note, the workshops at the National Training Centre and virtual workshops are not supported by daily coaching fees, though travel expenses will be covered where applicable and we hope that the selected GB Home Nation Coaches see this as an exciting opportunity to improve their existing skillset as well as shaping our future coaches within the British Judo Performance System.


All coaches are expected to fully commit and make themselves available for the programme which will involve the following as below from January 2022 trough to December 2023;

  • 8 x 1 day workshops at the British Judo National Training Centre (4 per year)
  • 12 x 2 hour virtual workshops (6 per year)

Note – the remainder of the Paris cycle, from Jan 2024 onwards, will be focussed on the Paris Olympic and Paralympic qualification, so Coach support will be the primary focus.

Application Process

To apply and be considered for a GB Home Nation Support Coach position, please fully complete the online application form and submit no later than Thursday 14 October 2021. Should you have any additional questions, please contact Karen Roberts,

Any applications received after the 14 October, will not be considered.

Successful applicants will be notified w/c 20 October 2021 and will be expected to attend the launch day of the Elite Coach Development programme on Saturday 27 November 2021 at the British Judo National Training Centre.

Click here to submit an application

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