ISW: Updated Safelandings Policy Launched

The British Judo Inclusion, Safeguarding and Wellbeing team are pleased to release the updated Safelandings Policy document.

The policy features a front cover designed by Jasmin Yoganathan from Samurai Olympic Judo Club. In addition to having her design feature as the cover for the revised policy, Jasmin also received a signed British Judo t-shirt.

The Safelandings document includes an extensive set of guidance on all aspects of safe practice within British Judo.

There is no expectation that you will read all its content, but it is a helpful reference point in your unique role within
British Judo, from our clubs to our Performance Pathway.

If you have any questions or queries on Safelandings and/or advice on safe practice guidance, please contact the
British Judo Inclusion, Safeguarding & Wellbeing Team;

We all have a responsibility in safeguarding, Safelandings is simply the endorsement of your good practice.

View the updated policy here

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