On Thursday the 19th of April the Hillingdon Mayor’s Awards were held at the Civic Centre in Uxbridge to recognise the sporting achievements of the London Borough of Hillingdon. As an area where the sport is in high demand, judo was well represented, picking up two highly coveted awards.
The Mayor of Hillingdon presented Matthew Page with the Disability Sports Person of the Year Award; a thoroughly well-deserved recognition of Matt’s achievements as a B2 categorised Visually Impaired Judoka, who trains at Hillingdon Judo Club’s Inclusion sessions. Matt also received a pair of Paralympics Judo Tickets, for a chance to experience what his future may hold.

The second award was presented to Hillingdon’s London Youth Games 2011 Girls’ Judo Team, receiving recognition for the best ever placing at the London Youth Games; they were also rewarded with Paralympics Tickets.

Finally, and with his ‘game-face’ securely fastened, Hillingdon JC head coach and British Judo Development Coach Nick Shepherd leapt his way to victory in a Speed Bounce Challenge against the LYG’s Swimming Manager, eventually winning with an impressive 50 bounces to 34! For this feat Nick received a much sought after Olympic Mug which he promptly swapped for the runner-up prize of Olympic Top Trumps and boldly challenges anyone else to take him on in the Top Trump arena.

Huge congratulations to Matt Page and the LYG 2011 Girl’s Team are in order for their achievements and it has been fantastic to see them rewarded for their efforts – so thanks also to the Mayor of Hillingdon.
Hillingdon Judo Club’s Inclusion Session runs on Tuesday evenings, 16:45 – 17:45. at Meadow High School, Royal Lane, Hillingdon.