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Maki Tsukada visits Comberton Judo Club

2004 Olympic Champion Maki Tsukada made a special visit to coach the Eastern Area’s latest training session on Wednesday 11 April at Comberton Leisure Centre.

A busy mat area saw 65 judoka take part as East London Development Officer Nicole Nunn, Eastern Technical Officer Dave Southy, England Squad Administrator Trevor Sitlinton and 8 th Dan Hatsuyuki Hamada, the famed coach of Japanese legend Ryoko Tani – a double Olympic champion and seven-time world champion – were all in attendance.

There was a wealth of talent on the mat as judoka from the BUCS-winning team of Anglia Ruskin and the England squad joined veteran dan grades and young mon grades.

Trevor Sitlinton said: “We’re pleased with the work going on to develop the session and the increasing number of attendants.”

Hatsuyuki Hamada said: “I witnessed a good session where the judoka had a lot of enthusiasm and energy.”

Comberton Judo Club train at Comberton Leisure, West Street, Comberton, Cambs, CB23 7DU.

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