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British Judo Level 1

The BJA Level 1 award is the starting point for your coaching journey in judo.

If you are new to coaching judo, have limited coaching knowledge or want to get more involved in your club, then this is the course for you.

The learning programme and assessment for the BJA Level 1 is run over two days.

Assessments take place on the second day. Day one the learning programme is delivered focuses on the ‘how to coach skills’ using practical technical examples (where relevant) to apply these skills; basic technical principles of ne-waza and tachi-waza; health and safety; and basic judo rules.

On successful completion of this course candidates will receive a British Judo Association Level 1 coaching award and will be equipped to work alongside a 1st4Sport Level 2 or 1st4Sport Level 3 judo coach during club or other relevant coaching sessions.

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