2021 Allianz Sport Club Fund
Allianz, as the Worldwide Insurance Partner for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, understands how the pandemic has affected the finances of local clubs. They have therefore pledged £50,000 to the “Allianz Sports Fund” in 2021 so they can offer financial support as grants between £500-£3,000 for community sports clubs who need it most.
Awards of £500 – £3,000 are available:
22 grants at £500
10 grants at £1,000
10 grants at £2,000
3 grants at £3,000
The Awards are to help sports clubs meet their obligations, continue to provide opportunities within their local community and ease the financial impact resulting from coronavirus.
To be eligible sports, clubs must take part in an Olympic or Paralympic sport.
Applications will only be accepted from clubs nominated by one of Allianz’s Broker Partners. For British Judo clubs, this is the British Judo Association.
If you wish your club to be considered, please emailjoyce.heron@britishjudo.org.uk no later than Wednesday 22nd Septemberoutlining, in a few concise paragraphs, your case for nomination. Please indicate in your email the level of grant you wish to apply for.