Westcountry Green Belt and Below

Kingsley School Sports Centre Northdown Road, Bideford, Devon, United Kingdom

Venue: Sports Hall, Kingsley School, Northdown Road, Bideford EX39 3LY Categories:  Category A: 8 to 15 years inclusive on the day, Novice to 6th mon (Girls A1 Boys A2) Technical restrictions will apply. No armlocks/strangles. Category B: 8 to 11 years inclusive on the day, 7th to 12th mon inclusive (Girls B1 Boys B2) Technical...


L1 – Kingsley School Judo Club Grades Red and Yellow Competition

Kingsley School Sports Centre Northdown Road, Bideford, Devon, United Kingdom

Venue: Kingsley School Sports Hall – Kingsley School, Northdown Road, Bideford, EX39 3LY Categories: Group A: Girls Red Belts Group B: Girls Yellow Belts Group C: Boys Red Belts Group D: Boys Yellow Belts There will be NO weight categories. Judoka will be weighed and put into a group of 4 to 5 maximum. Based...


U8 – Kingsley School Judo Club U8 Christmas Festival

Kingsley School Sports Centre Northdown Road, Bideford, Devon, United Kingdom

Venue: Kingsley School Sports Hall – Kingsley School, Northdown Road, Bideford, EX39 3LY   Categories:  Group 1: Girls & Boys aged 5 years Group 2: Girls & Boys aged 6-7 years   This event will be run in accordance with the BJA Judo Festival Guidelines.   >>EVENT OUTLINE<<   **CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 2024**  ...


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