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Club Welfare Officers

Getting Started

All British Judo Association Clubs with under 18-year-old members should have a Club Welfare Officer (CWO) by April 2024 to ensure children’s welfare is prioritised at their club. In addition, we encourage all clubs to have a CWO in all clubs to extend our safeguarding of both adults and children.

The CWO needs to be well supported by the club and have a formal role on the club’s management committee. It is the whole club’s responsibility to ensure children’s welfare, and everyone has a role to play.

The CWO plays a key role in advising the committee on its approach and ensuring that this is monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Due to the nature of this role all CWO will not be related to a Coach. In the interests of best practice, the CWO ideally should be a separate role from coaching.

What does the Club Welfare Officer Do?

The Club Welfare Officer is an incredible important role within your club’s setup.

  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people.
  • Assist the club to implement its child protection plan.
  • Be the first point of contact regarding concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse.
  • The CWO is responsible for following the British Judo Association’s policy and procedures especially in relation to safeguarding and in particular the reporting procedures.
  • Maintaining appropriate records and assessing information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information about the matter as appropriate.
  • Initially discuss your concerns with the British Judo Association Lead Child Protection Officer in England and Wales or the Judo Scotland Lead Child Protection Officer in Scotland
  • Consult initially with a statutory child protection agency such as the local social services department or health board, or the NSPCC, to test out any doubts or uncertainty about the concerns as soon as possible, in agreement with the BJA Safeguarding Manager.
  • Make a formal referral to a statutory child protection agency e.g. social services department or the police (by telephoning by 101 for non-emergency, or 999 in an emergency) without delay. It is NOT the role of the club to decide whether a child has been abused or not. This is the task of the social services department and the police or NSPCC.
  • Be the first point of contact with the National Lead Child Protection Officer.
  • Maintain contact details for local Social Services, Police, and how to obtain the Area Child Protection Committee’s policy/procedures. Contact details for local/national help lines should also be maintained and publicised within the club.
  • Promote the clubs best practice guidance/code of conduct within the club in line with the club’s plans. This may involve working with children/young people and parents on developing the club’s approach to the best behaviour of everyone at the club.
  • Promote and ensure adherence to the club’s child protection training plan.
  • The CWO will need to ensure that everyone is aware of what training is available and work with the club management committee to ensure that training requirements are met.
  • Ensure confidentiality is maintained alongside the club’s management committee.
  • Promote anti-discriminatory practice. The club must ensure that it has made clear its commitment to anti-discriminatory practice in its policy, procedures and plans for safeguarding children and young people’s welfare. The club should also have an Equity policy.

How can I get involved?

In order to become a CWO you will need to complete the following:

Please be advised the SPC, TTL (CWPS and CWPO in Scotland) and DBS/PVG are valid for three years. It is the CWO’s duty to keep the requirements up to date failing to do so will invalidate their CWO status.

Once you have completed all of the above you will be sent a Membership Application. As a CWO you will be entitled to a free of charge one year recreational license or £20.00 off a full British Judo Association membership if you would like to go through the grading system.

Application Process

If a club member is interested in becoming a CWO, contact the Deputy Safeguarding Manager (DSM) at who will issue to the prospective CWO:

DSM initiates the completion of the following for CWO validation:

  • Safeguarding Course (Face to Face first validation)
  • Time to Listen (online course)
  • DBS (enhanced with barring list for children)

After these have been checked as complete:

  • DSM to inform BJA membership for validation as CWO confirmation on BJA CRMS myMA

Renewal of validation for CWOs:
  • Safeguarding Course (online alternate Face to Face revalidation)
  • Time to Listen (online course)
  • DBS (enhanced with barring list for children)

For all CWO or Safeguarding enquiries please contact:

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