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L3 – Samurai Senior & Veterans Men Kyu Grades

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: GROUP A: Men +35 years green belt & below: -66 -73 -81 -90 +90 kg GROUP B: Men +35 years blue & brown belt: -66 -73 -81 -90 +90 kg GROUP C: Men green belt & below: -66 -73 -81 -90 +90 kg GROUP D:...


L1 – Samurai Girls Yellow and Under

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

  **CHANGES MADE TO THE EVENT** Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Weigh-In: 09.30 am - 09:50AM (For All) There are no weight categories. All players will be sorted into groups by weight, age and grade. Competition will be single pools with all players receiving a medal   **CLOSING DATE: SATURDAY 22ND...


Competitive Dan Grade Skills Course – Samurai, Kidderminster – 20 Apr 25

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Details: The course is aimed at players wanting Competitive Dan Grade Skills preparation and assessment. There will be assessments at the end of the course and also, to some extent, continual assessment during the course. The course will cover the kata element for 1st and 2nd dan ONLY – candidates not fluent in kata who...


L2 – Samurai Boys Orange & Under Minimon

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Weigh-In All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week before the event or when we have all the entries in. The first weigh-in will not start until 9.30 am. Players weigh in wearing judogi bottoms and a t-shirt. Group...


L2 – Samurai Girls Minimon & Senior Kyu Grades

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: Group A: Girls Red Belts Group B: Girls Yellow and Orange Belt Group C: Ladies Blue Belt and Under Group D: Men Orange Belt and Under Weigh-In: All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week before the event...


L1 – Samurai Mini-Me’s Minimon

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: Boys and Girls red and yellow belts. All players will be sorted into categories of 4 or 5 where possible after weighing in. Every competitor will receive a medal. Weigh-In: All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week...


L2 – Rod Lane Senior Low Kyu Grades

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: GROUP A: Men novice to yellow belt GROUP B: Men orange to blue belt GROUP C: Women novice to yellow belt GROUP D: Women orange to blue belt Weigh-In: All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week before...


L2 – Samurai Boys Green & Under Championships

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: GROUP A: Boys Red & Yellow Belts GROUP B: Boys Orange & Green belts No British National Pre Cadet or Cadet Championships medallists allowed Weigh-In: All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a week before the event or when...


L2 – Samurai Girls Green & Ladies Blue & Under

Samurai Judo Club Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England

Venue: Samurai Judo Club, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster DY11 7DY Categories: GROUP A: Girls Red & Yellow Belts GROUP B: Girls Orange & Green belts GROUP C: Women Blue & Under No British National Pre Cadet or Cadet Championships medallists allowed Weigh-In All weigh-in times will be posted on the club website and Facebook page a...


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